GRW tells an old western tale in “100 Pounds” to introduce upcoming album, MARIJUANA MURDER BALLADS
Marijuana Murder Ballads set release on November 26th

GRW’s unique writing style leaves fans in constant wonder of what’s to come. The California native's latest release is a rock ballad that details a drug mule’s journey to Albuquerque. GRW outlines the narrative by singing, “He’s got 100 pounds of solid gold (white widow) / White was the color of snow, brown was the color of mud / Green was the color of cash, red was the color of blood.”
GRW describes the song by stating that it “Feels like an entire noir movie directed by Quentin Tarantino or David Lynch. The surprise ending packs a huge emotional punch.” "100 Pounds" is a preview of whats to come - a thirteen track album set to release Nov. 26th.
From rock and reggae, to blues and country, GRW never limits his musical talents to just one genre. “I’ve always let the music take me where it wants to,” says GRW. “I’ve never felt confined to the constraints of a certain genre. I don’t think music or art should live by a set of rules, so I don’t either.”
To stream the new single, click here. You can learn more about GRW by checking out his website: