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Nothing but "Good Vibes" for Chris Janson

Between the weather, constant bad news, and everything else in daily life, it can be tough to appreciate the good. Chris Janson does not seem to have that problem though, and he tells us all how to live the good life too in his new single "Good Vibes"!

Step 1. Turn the damn TV off. All it does is give you bad news, and you don't need that.

Step 2. "if you ain't got anything good to say, then shut. your. mouth." I know your momma taught you the same thing, so this shouldn't be much of a problem!

Step 3. Put the windows down and crank up your favorite tunes! This may difficult with the weather so the windows are optional, but you better be CRANKIN your stereo and singin along!

Step 4. Now this one is the most crucial and important - focus on your good vibes and block everything else out! All that negative is a problem for tomorrow, so just crack a cold beer and appreciate all the good around you!

Look, it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as it makes you happy. You wanna go fishing, go right ahead. Sleep all day? Go for it! Play with your dogs? All I wanna know is can I join? Regardless of what you do, your day will be greatly improved by Janson's new song, so go and give it a listen!

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