Apr 25, 2016I Would Hate To Be That Jake Owen Imposter Right NowYou’ve probably received friend requests from them. They may have sent you some strange messages asking you for money or other weird...
Apr 20, 2016If I’m Honest About Blake Shelton’s New Album Art…If I’m honest, it’s been a pretty bad year for Blake Shelton. In the past 12 months he’s gone through a divorce with fellow country...
Apr 3, 2016Jason Aldean's "Lights Come On"Jason Aldean is without a doubt one of the most successful countryrockers to ever take the stage. In his 11 years as an artist he’s...
Apr 1, 2016Kayla Calabrese’s “Happily Never After” by Sam EisenbergWhere even to begin. “Once Upon A Time” seems appropriate, so shall be it. Once upon a time, there was a young starlet named Kayla...